Which type of your: mobile phone Buyers?
Phone vendors usually divide their product features and groups based at certain levels. Sony Ericsson for example, presents a series of W for the music lover, series C (Cybershot) to a concentration of about G-series camera or for the convenience of internet access.
The numbers listed next is a reflection of the quality scale than the product itself. Sony Ericsson mobile phone with W9xx code thus has better features than W5xx or W7xx.
S just the same money, Nokia also mengkotakkan series product with the alphabet followed by numeracy. The difference, for a series of alphabet is usually only followed by two numbers. Eg N96, E71 and beyond.
That's from the vendor, how the consumers in terms of itself?.
Segmentation is performed by the vendor is bringing a clear vision of the market. But from the consumer side, I see exactly psychographic factors, the intersection of character and a more dominant kemampuanlah into their considerations in choosing a cell phone.
Basically, I try to divide the buyers / potential buyers of mobile phones in Indonesia into three characters:
1. Sensitive PERSON PRICE
Consumers who belong in this character is the consumer who is always comparing what he can with a sheet of money in the bag.
Character consumers in this group would purchase the phone by following the contents of the wallet. A fundamental question for them is "Money this hour, what can your phone?". Problem number two is the feature. If you have fulfilled the basic functions and the price is entered, the phone tersebutlah will be the main choice.
Actually the character of the second type of consumer this does not necessarily wake up by itself.
Vendor provocation factors (including via advertisements and word of mouth), and the success of the product awarrenes also become one of the trigger.
Remember when early 3G phones appeared, people began in droves looking for 3G phones. Though there has been no service at that time.
Another example, when the current vendors are competing to introduce camera phones with higher resolution, then the consumer will determine the choice by reference to the question "How many megapixel camera yes?.
Similar questions like "How many internal memory?, OSnya what?, Support HSDPA?, Air can not support A2DP touchsceen guns?" Is an advanced feature of this type of consumer.
Group of sensitive features may be berintersepsi with price-sensitive groups. But when the feature is a fixed price to be searched, then the type of feature-sensitive consumers will be out of the interception with price sensitivity and entered in the class "feature" pure.
3. Sensitive PERSON IMAGE
The third type is actually quite complex. Formation image of a product other than specified by the product itself and the individual intrinsic region, was also determined by the views of the environment on individuals.
When individuals have pride because choosing a different phone or not owned by someone else, then invididu has been included in the category of image-sensitive consumers.
Lately often see people carrying the Blackberry Bold?
A percentage of Blackberry users may be entered in the class-sensitive feature, but thanks to sinetrons featuring artists who get angry every time the phone via the Blackberry, then the number of Blackberry users entering sensitive image categories become more dominant.
The above example makes the trends and factors affecting trensetternya also joined this group.
Another example is when a consumer is always to buy mobile phones with the same brand, either because of hereditary experience, or because of habit and use the menu, then indibidu has also been included in the sensitive area of the image.
Another example is the collector phones. No matter how expensive, or how worn-out stuff. When the desire to have already peaked so they will chase.
From the example above, the category of sensitive images can be further reduced to:
- Personalization sensitive person
- Trend sensitive person
- Brand-sensitive person
The illustration above also explains why this third group is almost never intersect with the first class (price sensitive). Money is not the main factor in meilih, although sometimes stay logged in as a factor to be reckoned with. It's not about money, its about pride and satisfactiion!
Which type of your: mobile phone Buyers?