Smart mobile phone has a kind of blackberry is nice for some people. With the Blackberry, send e-mail activity, chat, surf the internet to be done simultaneously, anytime, anywhere.
But, you know, behind the convenience provided, Blackberry characters who are able to make its users to do several things at the same time (multitasking), it had weakened risk memory work in the brain.
It was revealed through a study of the brain's ability to form memories that made a number of neuroscientists from New York University (NYU), United States.
Research conducted through the process of scanning the brain of 16 women and 16 men aged 22-34 years. The researchers served a number of pictures to all participants. A moment later, they ask questions about the picture to all the participants.
Participants are many thoughts and used to doing several things at the same time or alternately punctuated (multitasker) can not remember very well the previous image shown. In other words, participants who let his brain 'rest' has a higher memory.
"Our data shows that if you do not let the brain rest, the cost will be 'expensive', because blocking the brain's ability to consolidate memory," said Lila Davachi, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Department of Neurology Center at NYU, as quoted by MSNBC page.
Davachi say, a multitasker as seen in the current Blackberry holders tend to force the brain to keep working. Those who never played out as smart phones do not give brain kesempatakn 'resting' cells to repair damaged cells.
Conditions continue to make them more likely to have poor powers of concentration and easily stressed. So, learn to use smart phones wisely so that your memory is still working well.
Watch out, Blackberry Make Weak Brain