A man is usually tend to be interested in couples who have a family resemblance with him. But the results of research on sexual preferences showed, the choice may change due to man's stress. When depressed, they become more open to more variety of women.
n the relaxed condition, he did not fall in love at couples who face not like them. The male rate is 14 percent women less attractive than a family resemblance with them. However, the group stressed men, couples do not face similar to the 9 percent of their votes more interesting.
Johanna Lass-Hennemann from the University of Trier Germany who led the research said the findings are consistent with previous research that the animals lost their normal sexual attraction when in stressful conditions.
"Men tend to approach different partners and this rate is more fun when they are in conditions of acute stress. But we're not sure how this is reflected in the decisions that actually choose a partner," Lass-Hennemann said.
Experts suspect that interest in choosing a partner has a family resemblance associated with the human tendency to put greater trust in the familiar faces. These same factors play an important role in long-term relationship. However, in conditions of stress, the influence of this resemblance seems to fade.
Lass-Hennemann speculate, stress may increase the likelihood of men marrying or reproducing with women who have genetic differences. The benefit is the child born from this relationship may be more resilient and able to handle stressful environment.
"We think that the environment is full of chronic stress should be increased hybridization (outbreed). Therefore, marriage may be blood relatives who do not produce offspring are genetically diverse enough," he said.
In research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers involved 50 healthy heterosexual students are divided into two groups. The first group was asked to dip his hand in a bucket of cold water for three minutes before the test. Whereas the second group was asked to do the same thing, but with normal-temperature water as the body temperature.
We conducted an average measurement of heart rate and stress hormone cortisol levels to ensure that the men in the first group in a more stressful conditions before the test done.
In the test itself, to the men shown a series of images through a computer screen. Some of them are pictures of household objects and a naked woman. A number of these female images are digitally manipulated to resemble the face of a man who was tested or the other men in the study group.
During the test, the occasional sound of noise is played to surprise the men and recorded their reactions. Previous research indicates, one does not feel surprised when he discovered something interesting. These men were also asked averaging how much they are interested and feel aroused.
In the control group, men were more interested in women who have a family resemblance with them, whereas in the group consistently chose the stress and average women who are not known as an attractive figure. Surprised at the reaction confirmed their interest.
when in Stress condition, Sense of Men's is Over "Bad"