June 2, 2010

Nukleoaktivitas and Teleportation

Nukleoaktivitas and Teleportation 
Three things are crucial to the modern human life is information, communication, and transportation. According KBBI1, information is the whole meaning of which support the mandate of that seen in the sections that mandate, or in other words the facts contained in an object. 
Communication is the sending and receiving of messages or news between two or more people so the message is understood, or connection to transfer information. And transportation is the transportation of goods by all types of vehicles in accordance with technological progress, or in other words the communication mechanism by moving objects in real information. In this modern age, information and communication experienced very significant growth, while transportation still leaves serious issues related to environmental issues and effectiveness. Information and communication technologies have been successfully integrated with both, while still separatist transportation technology. 
Several scientific director of the film has a dream to unite the information technology, communications, and transportation. One well-known concept that unites all three of these technologies is teleportation. Will teleport it could become a reality? Maybe teleportation will become a reality, if the secrets of atoms found in the system stability. 

EPR Paradox 
Still remember the subject of nukleoaktivitas? Nukleoaktivitas is a source of interaction that lies in each core, even the kitchen she could be the formation of particles if the system is large enough nukleoaktivitasnya. The core is here covers the core of the particles in the smallest scale, for example, photons, quarks, and neutrinos until the particles DaLA largest scale, such as super-stars in the centers of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The establishment itself is derived from the blob nukleolaktivitas elementary waves interfere with each other, bersuperposisi, and polarization, which increases long and capable of independent activity. 
Still remember the feud also Einstein and Bohr on EPR paradox? In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen did antithesis to undermine the Uncertainty Principle in the Copenhagen School (school of Bohr's quantum theory is built). In schools it was stated that we can not get very thorough information on the activity of a particle due to the uncertainty in the only way our observations. Medium observation (frequency of light) will always interfere with the variables for the desired particles, such as position and momentum, or energy and time. 
Letting the EPR experiment there are two electrons in a single state. Both are moving away. In particular direction, the spin of A is found in a state above. Since the two spins must be mutually exclusive, then in the same direction as the spin of B should be lower. According to the Copenhagen School, the spin of A is always uncertain until it is measured and must be immediately affect B, B is set to spin down. This means no action at a distance or communication faster than light, which is unacceptable. The paradox is then led to the principle of locality, namely the separation between the observer and the object in the individual systems.
Some experiments in the next four decades, for example, John Clauser experiment in 1978 in Berkeley, and Alain Aspect's experiment in 1982 in Paris, was found non-local phenomenon, which means confirmed the Copenhagen School. 
Nukleoaktivitas explain how non-local phenomena? Each nukleoaktivitas have the ability to interact with other nukleaotivitas. Communications that occur will create a unique frequency that can only be understood two or more interacting nukleoaktivitas. Unique frequency that causes the stability of atomic systems in non-local conditions. 
If we look at how nukleoaktivitas interact, the EPR paradox is not a paradox. Unique frequency that is formed in the interaction between nukleoaktivitas will continue to connect their communication no matter how the distance separating them. Do-do, the stability of the system formed by the frequency that makes non-local nature of the universe, because this frequency will always exist in the way the two particles interact even though they are separated as far as the diameter of the universe. Each particle has a lasting memory in the history of their interactions with other particles. They will always be relevant. Just like a picture that we in tatters. Scraps that have the whole picture of history that is still bound to each other forever. 

Reverse the direction of entropy 
Entropy is a thermodynamic equilibrium, especially regarding changes in energy, which is the ruling called the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy can only move from a place that contains a lot of energy to a less pregnant energy 2. 
Physicists suspect that in a cycle of conservation of energy, heat is a form of kinetic energy the last before they turn into potential energy again. For example in the energy flow through the cooker. Energy from the changes in the magnetic field generator PLN will continue the electrons in a covalent bond, the atoms in the wires as electricity. Electricity is entering an electronic circuit in a rice cooker, so it causes the electrons in the heat element kept spinning. Berpusingnya electrons that create the heat that crept through the Teflon and change the molecular structure of rice and water into the rice. The rest evaporates into the air, and to potential energy again on the sidelines under the universe. Similar mechanism occurs in almost every flow of energy, called entropy. 
Non-local nature requires that the potential energies of the universe contains design, in the form of unique frequency nukleoaktivitas. This design can be realized with a U-turn back to the past time direction, or a way to reverse the direction of entropy. This means we still have a great opportunity to reunite the pieces of photos that have torn apart. The scientists have been aware of this fact. However, they have a very large energy input in the process of reversal of entropy, because we do not know where and where the particles are scattered into hiding. 
Imagine your body parts scattered into photons, and then inserted into the optical fiber. Split second later your body photons reach Silicon Valley, and then merged back into your whole self. Could it be? Maybe .. if the physicists did not forget the non-local nature of nature. This variable will give us the best way to find the particles that hide behind the wilderness of the galaxy. And may be, this is the forerunner of teleportation technology, the synergy of three most important technologies of this century: information, communication, and transportation.

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