July 5, 2010

Salt is Powerful for Teeth and Eyes

Salt is Powerful for Teeth and Eyes

SALT was not only useful as a flavor. Tiny white grains that can also be used for eye and dental health. Here are some of the benefits of salt for healthy teeth and eyes:
  1. Washer Eye To relieve eye pain, in an emergency gu salt water to wash wear eye. When the complaint was not reduced, get it checked out to an ophthalmologist.
  2. Gargle warm water that has been spiked with a little salt is an effective dessert. So also when exposed to strep throat. Enter a little salt into hot water, stir gently and use as a mouthwash.
  3. Dental White Teeth will look dull again brilliant with dry salt to the end of the feathers brush my teeth as I will brush my teeth.
  4. Tooth Brush Soaking Durability is still a new toothbrush in salt water solution will create a more durable toothbrush is used.

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Salt is Powerful for Teeth and Eyes
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