June 16, 2010

Lung Cancer drugs found

Lung Cancer drugs found
Lung Cancer drugs found

Australian scientists on Wednesday (16 / 6) announced a new breakthrough in treating lung cancer. They have discovered the nature of proteins involved in cell division. This brings them one step closer to prevent deaths in people who develop lung cancer.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Pharmacoproteomics Program, the Child Cancer Institute for Medical Research, said the findings are targeting the B3-tubulin - a protein known to maintain the integrity of cell structure - as the key to be able to increase drug sensitivity in small cell lung cancer is not lung. By pressing the B3-tubulin, the sensitivity of cancer to standard chemotherapy drugs can be increased.

The findings have been published in international journals Cancer Research last week. While the Australian biotechnology company, Benitec, is currently developing a treatment specifically focused on the blocking activity of B3-tubulin.

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Lung Cancer drugs found
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