You want to end a relationship that had been undertaken? Disconnecting is not an easy job. It would appear guilty feelings, disappointed and sad. It's inevitable.
So that things do not heat up, you should not do the following when deciding the relationship.
Being in a public place
Choose a meeting place where you and he have maximum privacy. Do not do it in public places. If there is a fight you do not want to be a spectacle, right?
Choosing a favorite place
At break, bad things can happen. Instead, select a new place. Avoid your usual favorite place and she went to, which allows the waiters can recognize you. This is to avoid the uneasy feeling when you come back to that place break up time.
Appreciate him/her
Do not break up while doing something else, such as eating or choosing the menu. Respect him, even though you no longer like it. Say firmly if you want to cut connection. Remember, however, he had become part of your life, so respect him.
Decided by phone, sms, or email
People who do not dare or could not directly express his feelings will use technology to disconnect. Like the telephone, sms or email. If you're old enough, do not do it. End the relationship with him is good as when initiating a relationship.
TAG : affair study cases - Human Relation - overcome relationship problem.
The Best Way to ( BREAK UP ) end a relationship
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