November 19, 2014

Cara Membuat Alat Peraga Edukatif Tk dan Playgroup

Video simple sample contoh Cara Membuat Alat Peraga Edukatif Tk dan Playgroup : The learning process will not work optimally if a school does not provide adequate means to remember that if your child learn to use the five senses. For meaningful learning students need props and educational games to help maximize the educational exploration, discovery, creation, development of the power of thought that is not available when the tool, were working on a way to make use of the environment, including waste / waste as APE (Tools display / educational games).
Waste management as APE than help resolve the problem of waste also increases the creativity of teachers in the provision of learning resources so that there is no "no money" to be used as a reason for not providing the tools or resources.
Some waste materials / waste can be used as a media / learning resources in the environment we have, for example: Waste paper (magazines, newspapers, food bags, cartons, cardboard), plastic and cans, rags, stryrofom / foam, rope, cap and rubber as well as natural materials such as berbgai dry leaves, twigs, stones, seeds, stems and bamboo.
Examples of utilization of materials remains / Waste As APE
There is a huge range of tools that can be created from the waste:
Magazines, old newspapers can be used a variety of APE especially in the development of language skills, such as the story of a series of images, and the images look the same article, a variety of card numbers and letters and other forms in the development of science (IPA).
Patchwork fabrics obtained from the rest of the stitches / clothing, clothes, socks and even gloves that are not used can be used to make the media play a very effective and fun for children, such as games look the same motif, rough-smooth, hand puppets , a label, a variety of fine motor games and a variety of other games that can be created from this material.
Plastic and cans
Bottles of various sizes are a lot of benefits. Tools perga of plastic bottles and is very much at all: Dolls Yai, communications equipment, musical instruments, gauges / instruments pleasant and others.

Styrofoam and Foam
Usually styrofoam container packing electronic equipment is thrown away pollute the environment. We may collect and use it as a replacement for a variety of beam shapes, geometry and space requirement in the development of mathematical logic.
Caps and Rubber
With forms and different colors and varieties can be used as a means of math games, musical instruments and a variety of other games.
Many can be woven terbentukdari waste SUET this. Can also be used as a sewing TK / RA combined with carton / plywood boards used to form a variety of different models of the seam.
Natural materials
Various natural materials is a lot of variety and easily applied to the various forms of props and various handicrafts.
It is very encouraging for the teachers have been able to create a learning medium of his own with the use of garbage that he found.
This is my version of the management of waste as educators. Hopefully, these efforts have a positive impact for the spirit of creativity come to provide a source / learning tool for teachers and other major problems in waste reduction.

  • alat peraga edukatif dari bahan bekas
  • alat peraga edukatif sains
  • alat peraga edukatif untuk paud
  • alat peraga edukatif dari bahan alam
  • alat permainan edukatif paud
  • alat permainan edukatif
  • mainan edukatif
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Cara Membuat Alat Peraga Edukatif Tk dan Playgroup
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