November 19, 2014

how to grow bananas [ plant ]

Video how to grow bananas [ plant ]

1. buy the child a small banana sold in a test tube and defending it by himself in to large polybags
2. Or, buy key ready in polybags for planted in the center of certain semaian.

If buying continues in the form of the child the bananas in a test tube, then follow the regulations below.

a) remove older bananas are smaller than bottles and clean carefully the gelatin which is attached to the root of the tree children.

b) move the older banana has been cleared into polybags measuring 6″ X 8″ contains soil and coir, steel N:P: K (15: 15: 15) and compost. Put
polybags under teduhan 70%.

Flush water 3 times a day in the first 2 weeks later after this period, 2 times a day so that was planted in the fields.

Planting Distance
Planting on a ketumpatan staple/2200 acres and a distance of 1.5 meters between trees in a row and 3.0 metres between rows.

Disease Control On Plants Of Banana Wilt
The banana plant is easy to grow in many places, plantings carried out by farmers has not been regularly and often mixed with other plants. In addition the banana plant maintenance has not been carried out intensively, so that the production and quality of the fruit produced is still low.

Types Of Disease
a. the disease Fusarium Wilt (Panama Disease)
The disease is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysparum f. SP. cubense. These disease-causing fungus lives in soil, gets into the roots, then go into the network and of the vessels.

The symptoms of this disease is all the network vessels on artificial reddish brown stems. Leaf yellowing and wither, droop and broken into the stem. Sometimes the outer layer of a pseudo stems was torn from the ground up. The most typical is if the base of the stem is cut into horizontal stripes, it looks Brown or black from the top through the network of vessels to the base of the stalk and leaves. The transmission of these diseases through seeds, land and water that flows contain mold spores.

b. Diseases of Bacterial Wilt (Moko Disease or blood disease)
The disease is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas Solanacearum. Called a blood disease, because if the roots of the plants live/ill cut it out reddish colored viscous fluid from the vessel. The symptoms of bacterial wilt disease in banana plant leaves layunya is old before his time, leaf yellowing and dying, young plants occurs in a great setback due diligence. The transmission of this disease may occur through infected seed, insects visiting the flowers, pruning tools and contacts the root.

c. Wilt disease control
planting the seeds of healthy banana
do a balanced fertilization
sanitasidan a good garden in order to drain the rain, water is not flowing at ground level
keep the plants carefully to reduce the occurrence of injuries at the root.
to prevent transmission by insects through cuts in interest rates to fall, then it can be done cutting the heart.

Animals that are often attacked perosak banana tree is a powder or a beetle. This problem can be solved by using pesticides like dieldrin.

Anthracnose Disease
This symptom occurs when the spots have appeared and attacked bananas in transfers by using boats.

Banana Blood Disease

Horticultural commodity as long as it has sizable contributions to the income of farmers. The development of horticultural commodities in NTB lately got a big banana plants special concern because many of these plants provide benefits such as the fulfillment of family nutrition and increased farmer income. One type of banana fruits enough potential in the NTB, the population was large enough. In addition, domestic demand increased enough due to population growth, public awareness of nutrition, income generation and education as well as development of NTB became national and international tourist area. The last two years the development of the banana crop in the NTB has decreased mainly due to the existence of an attack of the disease, which is caused by bacteria. Ferken (1972) identifies banana blood disease caused by the bacterium (Pseudomonas solanacearum).

The bacteria Pseudomonas solanacearum can be transmitted to healthy plants by means of: crops, agricultural tools, soil borne transportation tools, water flow and vector insects that suck the banana flower (heart). Based on monitoring in the field, banana blood disease has already spread to the rest of the banana pertanaman centers on the island of Lombok and Sumbawa. The research results of Sudirman (2000) about the banana blood disease (Pseudomonas solanacearum) stated that of the ten types of banana plants tested, bananas and plantains kepok
very sensitive (couldn't resist), while bananas are more resistant. Banana ketip banana, milk, pisanghijau, banana boats and pisang ambon react inconsistently.

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