April 13, 2010

Kin, First "Smartphone" that Use Nvidia Tegra chips

Kin, First "Smartphone" that Use Nvidia Tegra chips
Not only with a new concept, the presence of Microsoft's smartphone design Kin and Sharp also put a new map chip smartphone competition. Because, Kin Kin One and Two is the first line of mobile phones that use chips made by Nvidia Tegra.
Tegra was introduced almost two years and is widely used in handheld devices, including Zune HD, music player made by Microsoft, and Samsung-made M1. However, Tegra was never used on smartphones.

"The hardware manufacturers initially very careful to Tegra instilled into the smartphone. However, they are more confident now. It is indeed necessary for menghadirkannya in the market," Chan said Bruce, a spokesman for Nvidia as reported by PC World, Tuesday (13 / 4 / 2010).
Nvidia is known as a powerful graphics chip maker launches Tegra chip to compete with manufacturers such as Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Intel. Tegra is claimed to be able to deliver high-quality graphics with low power requirements on the phone. Tegra chip integrates an ARM-based processor, the core of the GeForce graphics chips and other components.
"They (both phones Kin) using chips made by Nvidia's Tegra APX 2600 to provide high-quality multimedia experience, including 720p HD video playback and recording," says Chan.
Nvidia also affirms its commitment to the future development of Tegra. Tegra chip 2 will be released in the fourth quarter of this year. The chip has promised up to four times the processing speed of the first Tegra chip and can play 1080p HD video. Smartphone with Tegra2 also released on the market will start from the end of the year.
source : http://tekno.kompas.com

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Kin, First "Smartphone" that Use Nvidia Tegra chips
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