How does your position during sleep? A survey of 1000 people from the UK to investigate and demonstrate the relationship between sleeping with someone's personality style. So, what's your style?
Crouch style
This is the most common position, especially among the women. Those who sleep with this position known strong personality but remain sensitive to the surrounding. They may look shy but easy to close.
Sideways style
If you sleep sideways with both hands at your sides, you are a jaunty, easy to trust people, sometimes even gullible. Approximately 15% of people sleep with this style.
Peasant style
One third of people sleeping sideways with both hands placed in front of the body. They are known for open-minded but somewhat cynical, suspicious and stubborn in decision making.
Style soldiers
People who sleep with these stylish sleep on her back with arms beside the body of the meeting. They are called quiet, closed, and set high standards for themselves and colleagues. They are also more likely to snore, which makes them get less sleep quality.
Style freefall
A small percentage of people sleeping on his stomach, with the stomach below and under the arms or hugging a pillow. Meanwhile, the head will be facing to one side. People with this sleep position known to be subtle, supple, and does not like being criticized.
Style starfish
The last type of force is a supine sleeping, with his hands near his head. They are in the style of this bed is usually a good listener, like helping and not comfortable being the center of attention. They also often receive less snoring and sleep quality.
Crouch style
This is the most common position, especially among the women. Those who sleep with this position known strong personality but remain sensitive to the surrounding. They may look shy but easy to close.
Sideways style
If you sleep sideways with both hands at your sides, you are a jaunty, easy to trust people, sometimes even gullible. Approximately 15% of people sleep with this style.
Peasant style
One third of people sleeping sideways with both hands placed in front of the body. They are known for open-minded but somewhat cynical, suspicious and stubborn in decision making.
Style soldiers
People who sleep with these stylish sleep on her back with arms beside the body of the meeting. They are called quiet, closed, and set high standards for themselves and colleagues. They are also more likely to snore, which makes them get less sleep quality.
Style freefall
A small percentage of people sleeping on his stomach, with the stomach below and under the arms or hugging a pillow. Meanwhile, the head will be facing to one side. People with this sleep position known to be subtle, supple, and does not like being criticized.
Style starfish
The last type of force is a supine sleeping, with his hands near his head. They are in the style of this bed is usually a good listener, like helping and not comfortable being the center of attention. They also often receive less snoring and sleep quality.
Your Personality Your sleep STYLE