There More Women are Smoking
The number of women who smoke continue to grow. In fact, cigarettes interfere with women's reproductive health. Ministry of Health noted that women smokers are at 1.7 percent in 1995 and increased to 5.06 percent in 2007.
As stated in a seminar titled "Gender and Cigarette Marketing with an Emphasis on Women" held by the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Thursday (27 / 5). Activity is to celebrate No Tobacco Day which is celebrated the world every 31 May.
One speaker from the Institute Tackling the Problems Smoking (LM3) Baradja Fuad said the tobacco industry to market cigarettes to women with cigarette imaged with slimness, modernity, sexual attractiveness, and lower product risk.
Praseno H, pulmonary specialists from Friendship Hospital, Jakarta, said the level of nicotine and low tar smokers actually trigger to smoke more to get the nicotine content of greater and more enjoyment.
Separately in a related press conference No Tobacco Day, Health Minister Sedyaningsih Endang Rahayu said the increase in women smokers will hamper the government achieve the target goals millennium development goals (Millennium Development Goals / MDG) to reduce maternal mortality. In addition, smoking in women can also affect the quality of future generations who are born women. from -Jakarta-indonesia, Kompas
As stated in a seminar titled "Gender and Cigarette Marketing with an Emphasis on Women" held by the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Thursday (27 / 5). Activity is to celebrate No Tobacco Day which is celebrated the world every 31 May.
One speaker from the Institute Tackling the Problems Smoking (LM3) Baradja Fuad said the tobacco industry to market cigarettes to women with cigarette imaged with slimness, modernity, sexual attractiveness, and lower product risk.
Praseno H, pulmonary specialists from Friendship Hospital, Jakarta, said the level of nicotine and low tar smokers actually trigger to smoke more to get the nicotine content of greater and more enjoyment.
Separately in a related press conference No Tobacco Day, Health Minister Sedyaningsih Endang Rahayu said the increase in women smokers will hamper the government achieve the target goals millennium development goals (Millennium Development Goals / MDG) to reduce maternal mortality. In addition, smoking in women can also affect the quality of future generations who are born women. from -Jakarta-indonesia, Kompas
There More Women are Smoking