February 25, 2010

the 4 Signal Couples have Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is the addiction that is difficult to know, but that does not mean can not be recognized. Although there are some people who think that sex addiction is a "justification" of the affair, really addicted to it must be immediately addressed. If allowed, of course, will negatively affect both physical and psychological well for couples who experience it as well.

4 Know the signs of sex addiction that a person can get the proper therapy.

1. For hours on the internet
Long before the Internet was not always a sign that someone is addicted to sex. It may be even addicted to the Internet or a workaholic. To distinguish is to look at what sites are opened. If couples often open porn sites for hours and ignore you, you should be careful. Opening porn sites is that
reasonable but if too often can damage the relationship.

2. Can not control
When connected or view pornographic films, he was hard to stop. Although his eyes and his body already looks tired. The inability to control desire is a basic symptom of an addiction.

3. Excessive desire
The inability to control one's sexual desire to make his desire seem ludicrous. This can be seen when you spend time with him in the marketplace, suddenly appeared sexual desire. This happened many times.

4. Cheated (make affair) on many times
The affair was doing could be a sign. However, he was distinguished by being unfaithful with sex addiction. If your spouse cheated on many times and only for reasons of sex, you should encourage him to consult with sexologists.

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the 4 Signal Couples have Sex Addiction
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