March 3, 2010

Family Financial Management Tips

For your new spouse and the couple must still have a lot of adjustments, including in managing family finances. Money had to be managed well, because if not later can cause problems in your family.
In fact, according to Dr. Judy Kuriansky, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to a Healthy Relationship, money is one of three things is the source of the problem in a family. Two other sources of sex and parenting.
Dr. Judy provides tips on how to manage the family finances. These tips can you peek, of course, to avoid the financial problems that could arise later on.

1. Money to celebrate the big day. Good big celebration day religious holiday, birthday or other special days will need some money. Your spouse must agree on how much money is allocated to celebrate. Of course, taking into account the basic needs, so the money spent for the holiday does not interfere with the other main budget.

2. Unemployment, or suspension. Status of temporary unemployment, or terminated automatically lead to financial problems. In addition, of course, affect the decline in confidence and cause emotions easily hooked. If it hit you or your partner should discuss saving measures that can be taken. This was to avoid the argument that the trigger dissent in spending.

3. Promotion, and salary increases. "Promotions and salary increases can be a source of problems in the family," said Dr. Judy. You and your spouse must make a financial plan so that the excess money into the money could be used properly and not wasted without a trace.

4. The needs of children, entertainment, education and recreation. These needs is of course to be met, and do not ignore the needs of recreation and entertainment, because it can bring you and the kids. For that, make a budget for recreation and holidays with family. Teach your children well to manage their allowance.

5. Houses, cars, apartments. When buying a house, car or other luxury goods should consider not only problems but also emotional material. Large expenditures would have implications for many things including your expenses further. For that, do not make decisions that are self-only, consider also the interests of the couple.

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