March 26, 2011

overcome the pain of labor during childbirth

To overcome the pain of labor during childbirth, try the following tips apply:
During contractions, try to take a position such as crawling on the mat.

  1. This position reduces the pressure of the baby's head against your spine. In this all fours, hands and back lurukan. When the contraction is finished, put a lot of pillows to prop your head.
  2. When the contractions start again, get rid of the pillows so that you can crawl back in position again.
  3. Have your partner massage your lower back, or compress your back with warm water in between moments of contraction. Use the talk or vaseline as a lubricant when massaging.
  4. Move and hold in between each contraction. This will help you to cope with pain during childbirth. When contraction, choose the most comfortable position.
  5. Maintain a straight back position, both while standing, sitting, as well as other positions. Point for the baby's head remains in the cervix properly, so that contraction is happening more and more powerful and effective.
  6. Concentrate on your breathing, to soothe and reduce pain.
  7. Sing or bersuaralah when pain arises to release your pain. However, do not be too hard so as not to waste energy that you need when spending was a baby later.
  8. Concentrate on each contraction. Do not think about pain or fear for the next contraction. Try to view the contraction as a wave that must be followed to achieve expenditure during the baby.
  9. Urinate as often as possible so that the bladder does not deter when contraction.
  10. If necessary, you can ask for an epidural anesthetic to reduce pain.
Epidural is the anesthetic to reduce pain by creating a temporary immune to nerves in the lower body. Epidural should be given just enough, so that at stage 2 of labor (ie expenditure stage infants), anesthesia was already disappearing. If the anesthetic does not disappear at stage 2, the process of spending a baby can be longer and may have to do an episiotomy (cutting the vagina for the baby out the birth canal wider) or a tool must be used forceps to deliver the baby.

Source: Prenagen booklet "Know Your Inside Delivery"

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