is Stress increases the breast size ? How is happen?
Tested in childhood anxiety contributed to the increase in breast size.
Excitement and stress experienced by women, have an impact on the size of their breasts. The more often he experienced the joy, the faster formed by a prominent women - including breast began to increase.
Excitement and stress experienced by women, have an impact on the size of their breasts. The more often he experienced the joy, the faster formed by a prominent women - including breast began to increase.
This conclusion Scottish scientist. The experts from the University of Edinburgh have found that in recent years lowered the age limit at which girls begin to grow breasts.
According to experts, this process is a decisive influence on the complex relationships within the family and the resulting sense of stress. Scientists have found that single-parent families grew in girls (who was appointed only a mother) signs of puberty appear at the early age of 10. It's five years earlier than the nineteenth century, said lead researcher, Professor Richard Sharpe of the University of Edinburgh.
In hormonal imbalances and breast growth is influenced by related factors such as obesity. But the problems caused by stress in the family is more important, scientists say.
Doctors disagree about the causes of this phenomenon. Some believe that the increased breast due to the pandemic of obesity: fat stored throughout the body including the chest.
Another expert pointed out, that does not increase the amount of fat tissue itself and the number of mammary glands. They believe that everything in the hormone estrogen is the daughter starting puberty early. They have fewer children and do not feed them for a long time to eat.
Stress can increases the breast size
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