February 22, 2010

How to Easily Leads Couple to Bed

Invites women to make love, not easy. Therefore, men who have sex desire can occur at any time is not the same as that experienced by women. What article?
To have sex, women need the right approach. Therefore, he should provide more time to drive a woman making love. The process is what provoked the desire of women.
One of the most effective way take action on the bed is through touch. The touch is an important component of sexual aktvitas. In addition, the touch of a guide pointed out the desire and the desire to connect more intimately.
The touch you gave to the couple gradually, if done correctly can make the he melted. The desire to wrestle on the bed can be accomplished.
Here Susan Quilliam, author of "New Joy of Sex" provides easy tips for couples "herded" into the bed, as quoted in okezone from The Sun, Monday (2/22/2010).

Leave the drinking habits

Even though only within a week, you can improve performance and libido without the involvement of alcohol. That said, the myth that drinking alcohol before having sex to make intercourse getting hot, it's not true.
The reason is, too much alcohol can dry out the vagina and reduces blood flow to sexual organs. At the time of penetration, it can make intercourse more painful and affect the ability to reach orgasm.

Forget penetration while

Some women can climax when masturbating or when stimulated in a certain way by a partner, but others just can not reach orgasm during penetration. Actually this is normal, because only some women can reach climax during penetration.
Therefore, women reach orgasm through various forms of stimulation. Whether stimulation through action pairs, or by the action itself (masturbation).

Switch off!

Research shows, the more a man can kill the mind flashed across her head when having sex, the higher the desire of women to penetrate. To make a pair as casually as possible, try to give massage to warm up.
Massage is the easiest way to make a woman's body relax. Tap gently with a partner's neck in a gentle massaging motion, or at the heels.
Generally, when a massage on sensitive parts, she will feel comfortable. If you want faster fishing partner desire, you can put essential oil massage to a partner's body parts.
Rejection rarely occurs when women are pampered with a partner such activity. Feel every touch of your hand, will make her body was shaking. Not believe? Try it!
source :http://lifestyle.okezone.com

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