March 8, 2010

Breastfeeding Longer, make Mom Healthier

When a 45-year-old woman breastfeeding her baby, not imagined before, if there are women in that age can feed up to three years. But what could I do, the child sometimes there is not going to give milk alternatives other than breast milk. Believe it or not, according to doctors, nursing in a long time like this was good for the health of the mother.

According to Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, assistant professor of medicine, epidemiology, gynecology and reproductive sciences Health Research Center University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, the length of breastfeeding has been examined from the side of health. "The period of time breastfeeding is good for the mother or the child," he said.

"For a breastfeeding mother more than a year, they are usually 10-15 percent less likely to get high blood pressure," said Schwarz. "Also after entering menapouse, mothers who breastfeed their children for long periods also have a lower risk of high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease," he said.

Schwarz also noted that many doctors who recommend that a baby should at least be given breast milk exclusively from at least six months.

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Breastfeeding Longer, make Mom Healthier
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